
Friday 20 April 2018

Artistic Affirmations (by Julie)

Hello again, I have two more cards to show you today.

My first card is a very simple design, which I have stamped using the Artistic Affirmation set.
I started my design by inking up the sentiment "My Creativity is Limitless" with Onyx Black Versafine ink and stamping in the centre. I then cleaned the stamped off and re-inked with red Versafine ink and stamped over my original design but slightly off set so that you get a drop shadow. You may want to practice this technique on scrap paper but if you cut your rubber stamps close to the design it is quite easy to judge. If you have a stamp positioner then it's even easier.

I then went on to stamp the rest of the sentiments and scrolls around the layout, using red, blue and black Versafine inks. I finished off the design by stencilling over the layout with mini diamonds and splats, before mounting onto black card-stock.

My second card has been stamped with Wisteria Lane and Artistic Affirmations. I started by stamping the three main images with clear embossing ink before adding white embossing powder and heating with a heat gun. Distress inks (Picked Raspberry, Mustard Seed and Lucky Clover) were applied over the top, followed by the little flower head being stamped around the design with Onyx Black Versafine.
I finished the design off with the Art sentiment and a doodled border with a black fine line pen.

Thank you for stopping by. Please call back for daily Design Team inspiration.

Julie xx


  1. Absolutely beautiful, both cards, the just sentiment one makes a super impact and fabulous colours on the second card, Kate x x

  2. These are beautiful Julie.
    Linda xxx

  3. Lovely both the cards, my fav is the second one because of it's fab colors!

  4. Both so lovely - but I too especially love the vibrant colours of the second ;)

  5. Two beautiful cards Julie. Thank you.

  6. Beautiful cards Julie, and it shows that sentiments can be used as focal images and love the drop shadow you have made for the central one and the added stencilling in the background. The second card has a wonderful mix of colours and the really pretty white embossed images stand out beautifully, and also the sweet little images and sentiment in black, and also the way you have framed it by drawing a line around the edge linking up all the little images, a really clever touch to draw the eye in. x


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