
Friday 13 April 2018

Eastern Dreams by Penny

Goodly morning everyone!  Penny here again with a couple of projects from the 'Eastern' shows last month.  I hope you are all warm and well despite the weather, and that you'll join me for a few minutes of crafty inspiration.  

Tag of the Orient

My first project is a simple, pretty tag using the Eastern Grasses,   Artistic Affirmations, and Serenity stamp sets; Distress Inks, black Versafine ink, acetate, clear embossing powder and a few embellishments and dies from my stash.  

I began by blending the Distress Inks onto a piece of white card and die cutting it in a large tag shape.  I then stamped the grasses in black ink along the bottom  and top edges of the tag and added gold pen around the edges.  I stamped the word 'Dream' near the top of the tag and a little bird beside it.  I then added gold pearldrops around the stamped images.  

I took a piece of acetate and stamped the grasses in a frame image with black ink and embossed it with clear powder.  I cut the acetate into a strip a little bigger than the stamped image and wider than the tag.  I scored the ends of the acetate about a quarter of an inch from the edge of the strip.  I used red double sided tape along the edges of the strip and attached it to the back of the tag.  The acetate forms a dome over the stamped grasses on the tag.  I then matted the tag onto black card and cut around it leaving a border.  I punched a hole in the top centre of the tag and added a Chinese coin and some fibres from my stash.  I also added a clay butterfly that I painted gold, and attached it to the acetate with glitter glue. 

To finish this tag off I added a little black glitter glue to the flowers for extra sparkle and texture.  This tag makes a lovely piece of home decor or a present.


Oriental Garden

For my second project I have a mixed media card featuring stamps from the Serenity and  Artistic Affirmations sets; Distress Inks, Versamark ink, gold embossing powder, alcohol pens, gold pen and liquid pearls and a stencil from my stash.

I began with a piece of white card and blended Distress Inks on it.  I then took my stencil which happened to be Oriental themed and added one of the inks through it, giving a subtle layer on top of the background.  I added gold pen around the edges of the card. 

The next stage was to make the focal elements.  I stamped the serene lady and some foliage onto white card and embossed them in gold.  I used the same inks to colour the images as on the background panel, except for the lady's skin which I coloured with pens.  I then carefully cut all the images out, including the background of the lady.  


I took a white base card and used one of the inks to stamp some foliage and little swirls along both sides of the front of the card.  I finished it off by blending the same ink around the edges. 

I stamped a word  in one of the top corners of the background panel using black Versafine, then added gold pearl drops around it.  I then matted the panel onto black card and attached it to the base card.  I took the embossed focal images and attached them in 3D onto the card, and added some more pearl drops.

I wanted to create a calm, soothing scene for this card, with the serene lady in the cool calm garden.  I absolutely LOVED creating with these stamps, I hope you do too! 

Thanks for popping in today, another of my teamies will be here with more lovely artwork tomorrow.

Crafty hugs,



  1. Both gorgeous, I really love the tag, beautiful colours. Creative Blessings, Tracy x

  2. These are gorgeous, love the rich vibrant colours and beautiful designs.
    Linda xxx

  3. Oh Penny you never fail to inspire, both stunning makes, and what wonderful colours too. I love them both, Kate x

  4. Two gorgeous projects. Thank you for sharing these.

  5. Gorgeous creations Penny and love the tag with the bright pink and touches of gold with the clay butterfly and the little dots of gold pearl drops and love the pretty image on the acetate for a different look. Then the card with the beautifully coloured lady and the bits of foliage on the topper and also on the background looks fabulous in that bright purple and with lots of dimension too, and thanks for showing us how you built it up, and added yet more of the pretty gold drops too. x

  6. Gorgeous creations, love especially the tag!

  7. The blue card is stunning penny

    Love the blue card, it's stunning.xxxx

  8. These are both lovely, such vibrant colouring - and thanks for the details :)


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