
Tuesday 3 April 2018

tranquility by Veronica

 Good morning everyone, hopefully the weather is better today where you are after the rainy Easter we have had.
Maybe I ought to apologise for showing such a watery scene..........................
I love the tranquility set of stamps, but here I used the waterlilies from serenity as well.
I stamped the lilies three times across the base of the card, then masked  them using Pebeo drawing gum before stamping a fourth lily at one side and then the statue from tranquility
After rubbing off the drawing gum I coloured everything with distress inks, using a waterbrush.
The statue was in grey tones to repreent stone, it did end up a bit darker then i really wanted though! For the sky and water I used ink onto a blending mat, added loads of water then used a large paintbrush to roughly colour in the sky and water


  1. I love these stamps and this design is beautiful.

  2. What a lovely serene scene ;)

  3. Absolutely beautiful Veronica, such a serene scene, beautifully coloured too, Kate x x

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