
Monday 7 May 2018

Bee-utiful Bees by Penny

Hi there Peeps, I'm back again to share a couple of cards with you all, featuring the 'bee-utiful' Chocolate Baroque Bee and Floral stamps from last month's tv shows.

Buzz-y Bees

The first card I want to share with you features stamps from the Honey Bee and Rose Tree sets, Distress Inks, sepia Versafine ink, masking tissue and an embossing folder from my stash.

I stamped and embossed the bee hive image and a couple of bees onto white drawing cartridge card using sepia ink.  I used masking tissue to cover the images and created a colour wash with the Distress Inks.

While the images were still masked I stamped the silhouette Foxglove image repeatedly across the background panel.  I then removed the masks and coloured the images with pens.  I matted the panel onto dark brown card to compliment the Sepia ink.  On some spare card I stamped and embossed the large Foxglove and Sunflower images, and coloured them with pens before cutting them out.   

Using a cream base card I embossed the front in a folder with a 'honeycomb' style pattern.  I added some DI around the edges and attached the background panel.  I then attached the flowers with 3D glue.  I stamped a sentiment onto white card, embossed it and die cut it.  I added some ink through the die, stamped a couple of tiny bees and attached the panel with 3D glue.

Roses are Red.

My second share is a simple but elegant card featuring stamps from The Rose Tree and the  Amazing Mackintosh Words sets; pearlescent acrylic paints, gold embossing powder and Versamark ink.

On a piece of black card I stamped and embossed the Rose Tree image in gold, then painted it with pearlescent paints.  I then matted the panel onto gold mirror card. 

Using some spare black card I stamped and embossed a couple of butterflies and the ladybird in gold and painted them as before.  I then cut them out.

I attached the focal panel to a white base card then attached the insects with 3D glue.  Using some more spare black card I stamped and embossed a sentiment in gold on two small panels, added gold pen around the edges, and attached them with 3D glue again. 

Thank you very much for dropping in today, I hope you've enjoyed your visit and that I have inspired you to create something lovely with your stamps! 

Until next time, sending you all crafty hugs,



  1. WOW these are stunning! Love the bee card and gorgeous red roses too.
    Linda xxx

  2. I adore the scene with the beehive and pretty scenic background and love the dimension with the added sunflower, foxglove and bumblebee, and the dry embossed honeycomb background works beautifully. There is a lot of fantastic contrast with the black gold and red flowers on the rose tree and again great dimension with the addd butterflies, ladybird and sentiment tags. Wonderful work Penny. x

  3. Beautiful cards. Thank you for sharing these.

  4. Totally stunning cards Penny, love them both, Kate x


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