
Sunday 22 July 2018

In the secret garden by Brenda

Hello everyone, Brenda here with some more floral inspiration using the lovely new stamps which featured on Hochanda recently, all of which are now available on the Chocolate Baroque website as well.

The top card was inspired by our own Secret Garden within our grounds, we created it many years ago and although it has seen changes over the years still hosts an abundance of Cottage Garden flowers and shrubs and recently moved into the twenty first century with the addition of a hot tub. The beautiful flowers on the new Blossom and Grow stamp set are to my mind Hollyhocks which I stamped onto a soft Distress Ink background after first stamping a window from Echoes of Italy Using a stencil I added some brickwork with texture paste which I coloured with acylic paint to soften the whiteness and added a sentiment from the same stamp set.

For this one I used black gloss cardstock for the base panels and stamped the images from Captivating Cacti and Scrumptious Succulents using Versamark and brushing over with gold mic powders, leaving to settle for a few moments before brushing off, the assembling the panels along with a bow.

And one from a few months ago that I found lurking unused in my folder. The stamped sets used are Medici Flower in the centre and to the sides Floral Delight and Wish Flower, all were stamped onto Distress Oxide backgrounds, the images bleached out and the glittered.......unfortunately this doesn't show up very well at all in the photo.

I always appreciate you visits and comment and thank you for taking the time to pop in.


  1. Gorgeous makes xx love them all x

  2. Awww.... amazing creations, all so striking!!

  3. What a selection of gorgeous cards Brenda, I love them all and such different styles even although you are using the same stamps. I love the idea of a secret garden, Kate x

  4. Your cards are always fabulous Brenda, and these three are no exception. I love the dimension of the brickwork behind the pretty flowers, and the arched door works so well, then the dramatic black and gold really pops, and the curved triptych with the three different flowers is so soft and pretty. x

  5. These are all fabulous Brenda, I love the designs using these gorgeous stamps.
    Linda xxx

  6. How wonderful these are, thanks for sharing.


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