
Thursday 12 July 2018

scrumptious succulent (by Veronica)

This time a flowering cactus from the scrumptious succulents plate and a sentiment from blossom and grow, just to swop things around a bit.....
Afraid it's still brusho though - images stamped with versamark and white embossed before sprinkling leaf green brusho over the background and orange over the flowers and sentiment before spritzing with water. It looked a bit washed out when dry, so i sprinkled more brusho over the stems and the flowers and used a wet paintbrush to add more colour - once everything is dry, just tap off any excess powder.
A mat of black card and mounted onto a 7" square white card blank to finish off.


  1. Beautifully coloured and designed Veronica, Kate x

  2. This most definitely is scrumptious.
    Linda xxx

  3. The black background card makes a wonderful contrast to your beautifully Brushoed flowers and background Veronica. A really gorgeous Summery make. x


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