
Wednesday 16 January 2019

Bright Brusho Bird (by Judith)

Hello everyone, I am sharing a project featuring stamps from last month's TV shows on Hochanda. During these dull Winter days, I wanted to create something colourful and vibrant, and so I turned to my Brushos to make some backgrounds. I made some spare backgrounds for later projects, and chose some bright, zingy colours, adding in some gold Sprinkle It for a bit of sparkle.

I stamped the large bird panel from the Sing Your Song stamp plate onto a spare piece of the blue green background, using Versafine Onyx Black ink and clear embossing powder. I also stamped the central part of the image onto a piece of my orange background. I cut the circle from the blue/green panel, and adhered the orange panel behind. I stamped and embossed the words onto a piece of the orange background for added contrast.

I matted the bird panel onto a piece of black card, trimming this to loosely match the shape of the panel. I edged all of the other pieces of card with black ink.

I will be back later in the month with more bird related projects to share with you. Thanks for stopping by,

Judith xx


  1. Lovely card Judith. Thank you.

  2. Gorgeous Judith, love the rich colours.
    Linda xxx

  3. I adore the colours on this beautiful card Judith, and the orange really sings out over the top of the purple, blue and green background, and I love the way you added the orange piece behind the bird too which looks like a very bright sun. A gorgeous card! x

  4. Your Brusho backgrounds are gorgeous! And orange and blue are always great together.

  5. Wonderful card, I love the design and colours and image, Kate x

  6. Wow, amazing! Love these brusho's blue tones and the gorgeous image!


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