
Thursday 28 February 2019

Butterfly Scent (By Julie)

Hello, today I have two more Perfumery themed cards to show you.

My first card is made with Butterfly Perfumery and Floral Perfumery
To start with my base card has been layered with black card-stock and then my stamping card was cut to size so that about half an inch of black card could show as a frame. The flowers from Floral Perfumery were stamped in the bottom right of the card and coloured with Polychromus pencils along with the background. On separate card, I stamped the row of butterflies and the sentiment which both come from Butterfly Perfumery. Both were coloured with pencils as before and then cut out and glued to the front of the card. The row of butterflies was curled with a pencil for added definition and then glued into place with 3D glue gel. 

My second card was created with Floral Perfumery and was stamped directly onto my DL card blank.
The main perfume bottle image was stamped first with Onyx Versafine and then the little filler leaves were stamped around the edge. The whole design, including the background was coloured with Polychromus pencils and then the card was finished off with a sentiment stamped above the perfume bottle.

Many thanks for taking a peek. Please call back for regular Design Team inspiration.


  1. Lovely cards Julie. I really like these stamps and they are on my wish list.

  2. Such pretty tones you have used on both Julie and love the butterfly border going across the first card, and also the DL card with the beautiful leaves framing the image. x

  3. Absolutely gorgeous Julie, I love the colours you've used too, Kate x

  4. These are gorgeous Julie.
    Linda xxx

  5. Lovely! Great, soft colouring throughout too.


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