
Thursday 14 February 2019

Perfumery For Your Valentine (by Julie)

Happy Valentine's Day! I have two romantic themed cards to show you, my first being stamped with the rather wonderful Butterfly Perfumery.

I stamped the main image in the centre of my card and also onto some spare stamping card as I needed a second image so that the butterfly on the perfume bottle could be decoupaged. I then stamped the rows of butterflies either side of the bottle design and then the little scroll detail was added at the top and bottom of the card. All of the stamped designs were coloured with pencils and the background has been sponged with Distress inks. The card was then cut to size, mounted onto black card-stock and finished off with dabs of liquid pearl dots.

My second card is stamped with Floral Perfumery. The background has been simply coloured with Distress inks and over stamped in black and light grey inks with the little leaf stamp.
 I stamped the bottle image onto separate card-stock before taking a large metal heart die and placing it over my stamped image. Next I  drew a pencil line where the cut line would be and then cut out the parts of the design that overhung the heart cut line with a pair of scissors, before replacing the heart die and running it through a die cut machine. Just make sure that the bits that overhang the heart edge are placed over the die, out of the way of the cutting line or they will be cut off!
The heart was coloured with a mixture of watercolour and Distress ink and the perfume bottle image was coloured with coloured pencils.
Once the design was dry I stamped the sentiment onto the heart with Onyx Black Versafine and then attached to the front of the card with 3D glue gel.

Thanks for taking a look and please be sure to call back for daily Design Team inspiration.

Julie x


  1. Beautiful cards, love all the butterflies xx

  2. Two beautiful cards, loving the butterflies.
    Linda xxx

  3. Two gorgeous cards Julie and both colourways are really pretty, and I love the liquid pearl dots all over the background on the first and the over the edge technique using a heart die has worked beautifully. x

  4. Two gorgeous cards Julie. Thanks for sharing them. Love all the butterflies.

  5. Amazing cards!! Love the butterfly border so very much!

  6. Two fabulous cards Julie but I'm really drawn to the first one. I think because of the colours and the butterflies which look so animated x


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