
Saturday 17 August 2019

Quick Batch cards (by Judith)

Hello everyone, it is still a while before we get to the busy Christmas season, but this month, we are sharing some of our projects created using stamps designed by the lovely Sue Page, featured on last month's Christmas shows on Hochanda. Batch card designs are always useful at Christmas time, because we need to make lots of cards for friends and family. I have used several of the stamp sets to russle up a few quick cards to share with you today.

For my first card, I stamped and embossed the dotty circle from the Shaded Baubles stamp set onto a piece of card using white embossing powder. I also added some snowflakes from The Christmas Garden stamp set, also embossed in white. I covered the circle with a piece of Masking Tissue, and coloured the background with Distress Ink. I removed the mask, and blended the ink slightly into the circle to show the fine dots of the embossing more clearly. By masking the area first, you have more control with the coverage, and can colour the background a lot quicker. I added the sentiment with a darker ink which complemented the background colour. This card was very quick and could be made in a range of colours and different sentiments.

Using the same circle and snowflake, I created a very Scandinavian style card next, by stamping and embossing the snowflakes onto a piece of grey card. I added some red card behind and used a piece of red ribbon as an embellishment. The circle and sentiment were stamped using silver embossing powder on this occasion.

I stuck with the grey card for my third card, adding dots of Stickles over the card and allowed them to dry. I added a large glittery snowflake, some stripey ribbon, and stamped the sentiment using grey ink onto a die cut. I edged the die cut with the same grey ink.

For my final card, I took the mistletoes sprig and created a wreath by stamping around a pencil drawn circle. I added Stickles on the berries, and then stamped a sentiment using red ink.I rubbed out the pencil lines once everything was dry.

I hope that my simple cards will have given you some inspiration for some quick cards to try out for Christmas. Try looking at the smaller stamps on the stamp sets and see how quickly you can make backgrounds, add a sentiment within the dotty bauble, and you will have a lovely card to send. Try unusual colours, bold and bright, or go for a vintage theme, whatever you prefer.

Thanks for stopping by,

Judith xx


  1. These are beautiful Judith, really quick and simple xx

  2. Fabulous cards Judith, lovely designs and colours, Kate x

  3. Great inspiration, thank you. these are Gorgeous cards.

  4. Fabulous quick and easy cards Judith, and as I haven't even started my Christmas cards yet I think I will be in dire need of quick cards. x


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