
Tuesday 19 November 2019

Music and flowers by Zoe

 Good morning Lovelies and welcome back, here’s my final post for this month using the wonderfully versatile stamps that were featured on Hochanda.

My first two was just simple heat embossed stamping, coloured with water colour pens and distress inks with matching envelopes.

I’ve used the “Shaving foam technique” for the matted layer and also the flower which I fussy cut and decoupaged.

Using the fabulous Tag stamp from a previous show, I stamped the flower, masked it using masking tissue, stamped the tag, I coloured the tag with distress ink and added a few of the equations from the script set in grey to add more texture, the flower I coloured with pencils. I used an Ivory, Linen texture card which I think adds just a touch of class.

Tag and both circles are Greyboard, I used distress Oxides to colour the tag and first circle and neon acrylic paints on the latter.

Water colour markers on acetate, spritzed with water and placed for the background, the heart and violin were stamped onto some “Shaving foam technique” scraps I had.

A journal page using water colour markers onto mixed media journal page.

And lastly a very simple envelope.

Thank you once again for your wonderful comments, I do love to read what you think of my creations.

Have a wonderful day xx Zoe xx


  1. Stunning cards, adore the stamps xx

  2. Gorgeous flowers Zoe and I particularly love the shaving foam background, so bright, and used for the pretty flower too, and the violin and other music stamps used on several of the cards look beautiful too, and some lovely envelope art too. Thanks for the inspiration. x

  3. Fabulous array of samples, great inspirations! Amazing stamps and backgrounds!

  4. Gorgeous samples. Especially love the flowers and your colour combinations.

  5. Stunningly beautiful pieces of artwork Zoe and I love the way that you decorate your envelopes. I'm sure that it makes them extra special for the people who receive them x


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