
Thursday 20 February 2020

Pretty Blueprints (by Judith)

Hello everyone, I have some more projects to share with you showcasing the fabulous new stamps that we aired on last month's TV shows on Hochanda. The possibilities with these stamps are endless, and I hope that you will try out lots of the ideas that myself and the rest of the Design Team are bringing to the blog this month. We have had a lot of fun working with the stamps, and we are sure that you will too!

For my first project, I took a piece of kraft card, and embossed an image and sentiment from the Calla Lily Blueprint stamp set, using white embossing powder. I coloured the image using Koh-I-Noor paints. The white paint in the set is particularly effective on kraft for creating delicate effects on flowers.

For my second project, I coloured a piece of drawing cartridge with tea, and then stamped a small worker image from the Freesia Blueprint stamp set randomly over the background. I coloured the image with watercolour pencils. I stamped the main image from the same stamp set onto a piece of fabric, (these detailed stamps still work perfectly even on a surface such as fabric), using Archival Ink. I then coloured the image with Inktense pencils.

For my next project, I coloured a canvas with acrylic paints. I blended the paints using a baby wipe to get a smooth effect. Once the paint was dry, I stamped an image from the Sweetpeas Blueprint stamp set onto a piece of tissue paper and coloured it with pencils. I tore around the edge of the tissue paper, and stuck the paper to the canvas background using matte medium. I stamped a sentiment onto a piece of scrap card which I edged with black ink, and stuck that to the background to finish.

As we become ever more conscious of the effect of our actions on the environment, I did not simply want to throw the baby wipes away. I dried them off, and look how cool they are!

They would make fabulous backgrounds in their own right, you could tear them into strips and layer them with other papers to make layered background, or simply stamp onto strips to make a decorative type of washi tape. I chose to use some for a mini card as follows....

I stamped a sentiment from one of the stamp sets and a flower from the Wild Cornflower Blueprint stamp set onto one of my baby wipes and cut them out. I adhered them to a coordinating piece of drawing cartridge using matte medium and added a layer of black card to mat the background.

  Thanks for stopping by,

Judith xx


  1. Adorable and so sweet cards!! Thanks so much for the idea about baby swipes, they look great and it's a fab way to recycle waste!!

  2. These are absolutely fabulous and I especially like the white embossing on Kraft card, it's always a favourite of mine and this is no exception x

  3. Four gorgeous cards Judith and I love them all with some fantastic colouring on different media and the idea of the baby wipe used on the last card is just great and not only pretty but cutting down on waste too. x


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