
Saturday 16 May 2020

A Thought for You (by Judith)

Hello everyone, how are you all? I hope that you are keeping well during the lockdown, and taking good care of yourselves, especially if you need to look after other people at this time, or if you are feeling that life is getting a bit too much at the moment. Take time out for you if you can, and give yourselves a bit of TLC, a bit of time to craft, or simply to unwind doing whatever you enjoy doing for a little while.

I have made a card to send you a bit of cheer in my blog post today, to let whoever is reading the post know that I am thinking about YOU, and hoping that you are okay.

I have taken a piece of Textured Art card, which I coloured with Distress Inks and water. I then stamped the large Fritillary stamp from Happy Flower's Day three times, masking the first image before I stamped the image twice again. I coloured the image with Koh-I-Noor watercolour pencils, and added some water with a brush. I used lots of different colours on the flower, to create a blended final colour, which is a bit more natural than colouring with just one colour. I added some grey for shadows around the stalks and underneath the flowers.

A sentiment from the same stamp set completes the card.

Take care, stay safe, and thanks for stopping by,

Judith xx


  1. Thank you Judith, you stay safe too. Beautiful card love the flowers xx

  2. This is so bright and beautiful Judith and love the pretty fritillary flowers and all brilliantly watercoloured. I hope you are managing well in these difficult times. Take care. x

  3. Looks like I could just pick those flowers off the card, beautiful work.
    Keep safe and well
    Faith x

  4. A beautiful card and I love your background x


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