
Wednesday 13 May 2020

Four Fold Cards (by Carole)

Hello everyone, today sees the first of three posts this month from our Guest Design Team member Carole Cann. Carole has designed a series of beautiful folded cards for your inspiration. 

Carole writes:

Hello everyone.
It is my turn again to show some samples as a guest designer. I always look forward to this and hope you like my three, very different projects.
I have used stamps that were highlighted last year as it is very easy to put them away in your stash and forget about them.
I have started off with a lovely four fold design. I really like this folded card as you can get an interesting finished project.
I decided to do a men's card, using the Eccentric Edwardian set, Steampunk Travel and Punky Expressions. Very good standbys for a men's card.

Make a master sheet for the background paper. Mine was made by just pressing Distress Inkpads onto the card, I usually use two colours, in this case Pumice and Wild Honey.
Spritz the background with water and leave to dry. The inks will bleed slightly and blend with each other.
The elements were stamped with Versafine black and one of the other colours.
The gentleman was stamped onto the card, but the very top of his head was masked so that the hat would sit properly. The hat was on a separate piece of card and cut out.
Finally I used a piece of metal, stamped with Stazon and embossed it to create an embelishment on the front.
Below are two other cards that I have done using this design. One was shown on Hochanda many months ago, but I thought it was worth another viewing for those of you who may not have seen it. The other was a birthday card for a friend using blue as the background.

Love this colour combination.
See you next week with something different.
Thank you for visiting and happy crafting.

Over on my blog there is another sample that I made for my daughter, using Chocolate Baroque stamps and stamps from an Alice in Wonderland range from another company. The flowers went so well with the other stamps I thought to have them as soon as I saw them. I hope you agree.


  1. What a wonderful design I love the stamps too and the colours you used.
    Keep safe and well
    Faith x

  2. All beautiful designs with pretty colours and such a variety of images Carole. These must have been a labour of love. x

  3. How lovely. Such a clever fold and I love your colour combinations. Your artwork is superb x


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