
Sunday 5 July 2020

Two Bookmarks (by Zoe)

Good morning Lovelies and welcome to my first post this month.
I hope you managed to catch the amazing shows last month on Hochanda featuring these amazing stamps.

I used Chocolate Baroque's Strip Stencils to create both backgrounds.
The first using the fabulous Tangled Birch stamp.
My second bookmark I used the words from the show as my background and diecuts to create the focal point, I do love verses and words to create backgrounds.

Thank you so much for visiting, I do hope I have given you some inspiration.
I'll be back later in the month with a couple more samples from the show.
Until then, stay safe and keep well.
Big hugs xx Zoe


  1. What a joy it would be to use these beautiful bookmarks.
    Take care
    Faith x

  2. Two beautiful bookmarks Zoe and love the blocks of colour, especially on the first and love the interesting background using words and sentiments on the second. x

  3. Two lovely bookmarks Zoe. I enjoy making these with all of my cut off pieces of card. Fabulous colours x


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