
Tuesday 1 September 2020

Shrooming marvalous by Zoe

Good morning Lovelies and welcome to my first post this month featuring the fabulous new stamps.
I hope you managed to catch our wonderful Lesley on the show? So inspiring!

I made a mixed media style journal page using Distress Oxides inks in lovely bright colours.

My second creation is a tag using a layered die, the matted layer and the spotlight circle is using one of the postcards from the show. I stamped using Versafine Claire Nocturne ink pad, then heat embossed using a clear EP and while it was still hot I used a foil over it, I didn’t want it too perfect.

I used the same technique with the foil on my bookmark, I just love that more “random” look, I also used another postcard from the show as the background.

I hope you like my creations, I really love these stamps and so enjoyed creating these projects.
Thank you for visiting, I will be back later in the month, until then, have a wonderful day xx Zoe 


  1. These Shrooms are wonderful and love the different designs on the caps and some great colour choices from you Zoe. The mixed media look to the journal page is so beautifully designed and the layered tag is so bright and pretty, especially with the added foil, and also more foil on the bookmark with some soft pinks and greens, and some of the wonderful sentiments on all. x

  2. Love these, especially the first one. The colours are gorgeous.


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