
Saturday 3 October 2020

lupin lights (by Veronica)

Today I am sharing two samples using the lupin blueprint stamps which were shown on Hochanda last month

The first card has a brusho background, with the image stamped in black and clear embossed. Stamped and embossed again onto spare card, both sets of flowers coloured with watercolours  and those on the spare card cut out and glued at an angle over the first image.Matted onto dark brown card, then added to a card blank coloured the  with distress oxides and stamped with smaller images from the set in the same colours. 

The second card was stamped in versamark and white embossed onto white card, then coloured with yellow and grey brusho powders. The flowers were painted with brushos too, and the sentiment added using black ink. The card blank was coloured with distress oxides in grey and amber, and again stamped randomly with smaller stamps from the set.



  1. Such beautiful cards Veronica, I’d struggle to pick a favourite as they are all gorgeous x

  2. Beautiful cards, love them all and especially the Echinacea one, your colouring looks fabulous, the flowers have a great dimension!

  3. All beautiful Veronica and I love the Brusho backgrounds and wonderfully coloured flowers. Gorgeous cards! x

  4. OH! These are just so beautiful. I love the brightness behind the lamp matching the sentiment on your second card.
    Faith x


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