
Friday, 25 December 2020

A look in the Mirror by Lesley

It's Christmas Day, the 25th of December 2020, but for most of us it is not the Christmas we are either used to or were planning on. Normally I turn up today with a blog post about how great the year has been and our plans for the next one etc, etc. But this has not been a normal year and we are not living in normal circumstances.

It has been tough for everyone, and really very tough for those of us who have not been able to see families, for businesses, for our mental health and for our general wellbeing. Getting through each day, never mind each week or month, has been a constant battle. There have been many life lines thrown out there from individuals and groups who have tried to support others. Social media has paid a big part in keeping us connected and I suspect a lot of us have learned new techie skills we didn't think we could. We have cried and laughed, baked, crafted, learned new skills, made new virtual friends but most of all we have dug deep to keep going.

And we have done it together, with the help of so many people including many of my crafty colleagues and friends - Di Oliver, Jean Hardy, Pete Simpson, Natalie Ballard, Louise Withers, Jo Rice, John Lockwood to name but a very few. These people have given their time, energy and inspiration to hold us up, they have breathed light into some very dark days to try to stop the loneliness from stealing in - even if only for a few hours.  And we have been supported by you - you have kept us going, you have shown your kindness and care to us too and for that we will be forever grateful. 

So on this not so normal day whilst we salute our NHS, all our key workers and all the volunteers up an down the country, please take a look in the mirror and be grateful to yourself. You have been amazing and you will continue to be so because as individuals we can achieve much, but as a united group we can achieve anything!

From Chocolate Baroque may we wish you a safe and peaceful Christmas xx


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wonderful heartfelt words Lesley, they have brought tears to my eyes, but I now we have all shed more than a few of those this year.

    On a personal note, crafting and in particular Chocolate Baroque have filled many voids on the darkest of days (and nights at times) and for that I thank you and David for your continued support and inspiration.

    Stay safe, stay healthy and enjoy Christmas as best you can, 2021 must surely offer new hope and a more positive way forward for us all.

    B x

  3. I think Brenda has said what we all feel. I shall just add Thank you all.
    Faith x

  4. Can't put it any better than Brenda has, so would just say a big thank you to you and David xxx

  5. Thank you Lesley for your heartfelt words and the sentiments are echoed by us all. You and David have done so much this year to keep the CB family together and it has helped us all through some difficult and depressing days. Wishing you and David all the best this Christmas and hopefully better times for us all in the coming year. Take care. x

  6. Merry Christmas and a better New Year!! Thanks for all you have done!

  7. Thank you for your kind words Lesley. Yes, this year has been a tough one, which none of us could have anticipated. Thank you so much for all that you and David have done to lighten the load. You really helped to make us all feel less isolated with you FB lives and I've really enjoyed taking part in your chalenges too. Enjoy the rest of your Christmas break and I wish you both, all the very best for 2021. Lest hope that it's a better one for us all. Crafty hugs, Sandra xx


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