
Tuesday 6 April 2021

a splash of colour (by Veronica)

My cards today from last month's TV shows all have inky backgrounds as a main part, though using different stamps.

The first ones feature the klimt panel stamp, which is quite large. I stamped the image onto white card using black versafine ink and clear embossed it before addin tiny amounts of brusho powders in blue, red and yellow over parts of the design and spritzing with water.

I cut a square of card to fit a &" card blank and coloured it using distress inks dabbed onto a craft mat and spritzed with water. I stamped parts of the panel randomly using grey versafine ink to create my background. The main panel was trimmed down to the edge of the stamp and mounted onto black card, then onto the background which was edged with a                                                                             black marker pen.

My second card used the same shades of brusho powder, but this time I used watercolour card and a lot of water and a second sheet of white card pressed onto the wet first sheet to give a second paler image.

I stamped the panel using versamark ink and a white embossing powder onto the card trying to match the image up with areas of colour. This time I left a border round the panel when i trimmed it, mounted it onto black card, then onto the background piece  and more black card.

for the second group I used the songthrush stamped in black onto card coloured with brusho powders and then clear embossed.

Both these card are DL sized, and the panel was trimmed down and mounted onto balck card and then onto a panel cut from the same card stamped with a sentiment from life is so much better.  On the second card i used bleach to highlight the flowers and black card behind the coloured strip



  1. Just love the Klimt panel and your use of the powders!! Love the songthrush too, it's a stamp that I have, so thanks for the inspirations!!

  2. You always use the Brusho powders so well Veronica and love the various stamps you have used to great effect. The two versions of the Klimpt panel serve to show how different a stamp can look doing it in black ink clear embossed, and then white embossed for a much lighter and brighter look and with more water to make a paler finish with the same Brusho colours. The second two using the Song Thrush stamp also look really beautiful in the two different colour palettes and so interesting with the slimline card used in the landscape style. x

  3. ry pretty and colourful cards. I'm a great fan of Brushos x


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