
Saturday 24 July 2021

steampunk butterfly (by Veronica)

My final post this month uses the gorgeous steampunk butterfly stamp - perfect for masculine cards!

My first simple sample uses the cogs stamped in versafine clair in one corner, and gold and silver embossing powder sprinkled over quickly.  The butterfly was stamped once over the cogs in black in - too lazy to cut the antenna out!-  and once in versamark onto black card. White, silver and blue embossing powder sprinkled over, fussy cut out and glued over first image. Black mat onto white card blank to finish

this one is more grungy, black soot distress ink sponged round the edges, then the small butterfly stamped along the four edges in black ink, and again twice onto spare card. The spare images wwere sponged with black ink, and the single wings cut out and glued down to fill in the gaps in the rather wonky wreath shape. The flower from punky romance was stamped in the centre, then the large butterfly stamped in versamark onto black card and white embossed was cut out and glued at an angle on top- and this time I did cut out the antenna.....

 The prettier version has the large image from punky romance stamped in grey and coloured with watercolour pencils. Antique linen and old paper distress ink brushed round the edges, and the small cogs randomly stamped in the same inks. 
The large butterfly stamp was put on an acrylic block and inked in black versafine ink, then sprinkled with mica powders. The whole image was then covered with pva glue and left to dry. Depending on the depth of the glue it will take at least 24 hours to completely dry. Once dry, peel off the glue and trim the image with scissors, then glue in place. Cheap pva works just as well as the dearer stuff, so if you're planning to do several buy the kid's version!

 I owe Lynnda Worsnop for this idea, and Doreen Sympson on whose blog I originally saw this - thanks ladies!


  1. Three fabulous steampunk cards!! The butterfly with PVA glue has a great dimension, thanks for sharing the idea!!

  2. What a great idea to us the PVA glue over the super large butterfly stamp to make a dimensional piece with the pretty mica to add glimmer and shine on the last card Veronica, and the more monochrome look of the first two with the added pretty mix of embossing powders, on the first and the more grungy dark look of the second. x

  3. Oooh, these are fabulous. I don't think I've ever really made anything Steam Punk, so these are great inspiration, thank you x


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