
Monday 13 September 2021

dragonflies (by Veronica)

Today I am sharing more cards using the sacred stamp set designed by Fiona Randall.

The first card began life as an 8" square card blank, with the front cut in half and both the front and inside sponged with grey and lemon distress oxide inks. The geometric design was randomly stamped in grey, as well as one of the leaf  stamps from the  walk tall stamp set along with the words from sacred.  The dragonflies were stamped in black on the front flap and coloured with marker pens. The one on the back was stamped in grey onto spare card, coloured and cut out

For the second card the dragonfly was stamped four times in grey ink using a stamping platform. I again used the pva/mica method to make four more dragonflies using black ink and blue and silver mica powders. These were glued in place in the gaps between the stamped ones. The word was stamped onto scrap card and die cut then glued into the centre - I'd like to say this was to give a focaL point, but if I'm honest it was more to hide the overlapping wings!


  1. Great way to use the dragonfly! Love both the cards, especially the second one

  2. Two wonderful ways of using the dragonfly Veronica and I love them both. The grey tones work beautifully on both with that gorgeous yellow and then the blue on the second. x

  3. Two super cards and the second one is such clever stamping with the dragonfly x


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