
Thursday 24 February 2022

heart flower (by Veronica)

I had a play with the leafy heart stamp from the Harlequin Rose stamp set, just to see if i could use it to create a wreath......short answer was no, it was just too large, but i could use it to create a sort of flower.

I used my stamping platform to stamp it four times onto  a 7" square piece of white card using black versafine ink, and once onto a spare piece of white card. All the images were coloured with watercolour pencils in autumnal shades, with the brighter colours used on the single image.

The single image was fussycut out and backed witha heartshaped piece of the same brown card used for the mat, then glued into the centre of the four images. I covered it with glossy accents to make it stand out a little more from the 'petals'


  1. What a clever idea Veronica and a fabulous finished result..I love the colours too. x


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