
Wednesday 13 July 2022

Sunny Sunflower (by Corine)

Hello ! 

I am very pleased to show you three cards in July. I will start with a mixed media card with a stamp from one of my favourite sheets Sunny Sunflowers.


I used stamps from the sheets:

Sunny Sunflowers

Harlequin Fragments

Briar Rose Butterfly

Apply Gesso with a spatula through a stencil onto white watercolour paper. Let it dry well or use a heat tool. Spray the paper lightly with water and then spray with Distress Spray Stains. I used the colours Rustic Wilderness, Broken China, Mustard Seed and Carved Pumpkin. Dry the paper completely.  

Emboss the Harlequin stamp with Embossing Glaze Salvaged Patina on the left side of the paper. Stamp the butterflies with waterproof black ink and the twigs along the edges with Archival Vintage Photo. Sponge the paper here and there with Distres Ink Rustic Wilderness, Broken China and Brushed Corduroy.

Emboss the Sunflower with silver embossing powder on a separate piece of watercolour paper and colour with watercolour markers. Cut out the flower and stick it on the card.

I hope I have inspired you. If you want to try this technique, I wish you lots of fun.

Until next week!

Kind regards,

Corine van Kuilenburg

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