
Monday 21 December 2020

Damask Reindeer (by Rachel)

 Hello there,

Rachel here today with a quick card I made for my mum for Christmas. I used stamps from the beautiful damask reindeer set and stamped them onto a piece of background paper I had. Such beautiful paper but I thought the stamps really went with it ....

So to the scene I added the deer and snowflakes, to which I added white pen - then I added I stamped the words in versamark and set in white embossing powder and then added them. I also added a little frantage around the edges. 
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and looking forward to sharing designs with you again next month.
Big hugs
Rachel x


  1. Fabulous card I received from Rachel, I love it xx

  2. It's so lovely, the reindeer really pop on the background Fab snowflakes too!

  3. OH! WOW, a fabulous card.
    Wishing you a Very Happy Christmas
    Faith x

  4. That paper makes a brilliant background to the pretty reindeer and snowflakes and love the coordinating word strips. Wishing you a Merry Christmas too Rachel and look forward to seeing more of your wonderful creations throughout 2021. x

  5. Thanks ladies and thankyou for your continued support! Merry Christmas!

  6. Wow, those stamps and background paper were made for each other! It's a beautiful card. Merry Christmas to you too xx


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