
Tuesday 22 December 2020

My favourite makes from 2020 part 2 by Zoe

Good morning Lovelies and welcome to my second post this month. And it’s actually my birthday too, I hate having my birthday right at Christmas.

I am featuring my favourite makes of this year this month as I was unable to contribute to last months Hochanda show.

I went a bit Bookmark crazy this year, the second picture is actually a phone case insert. I had so much fun creating these. I hope you like them too.

Thank you so much for spending your time visiting today.
Hope you have a wonderful day xx Zoe xx


  1. Beautiful card and bookmarks, love the stamps xx

  2. What a lovely and very colourful display. I love your bookmarks x

  3. WOW! These are amazing, such gorgeous creations.
    Happy Christmas
    Faith x

  4. Delicious bookmarks! Thanks for the inspirations!
    Merry Christmas and a Better New Year!

  5. Fantastic bookmarks Zoe and love the flowers and the beautiful colours you have used, the phone case insert is really pretty too. Wishing you a very Happy Christmas. x

  6. I've just popped back again to wish you a very 'Happy Birthday' xx


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