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Friday, 31 August 2012

Surprise for Liz!

At the start of the month when we launched our Christmas stamps, I did make a passing reference at the end of the post to a giveaway.  I may have been too subtle because not many people responded, but we do have a winner.

Congratulations to Liz who wins one of the new Christmas stamp sets.

liz 19 August 2012 16:59
Hi Christmas is not a good time for me - my husband left me with three very small children and I could never afford much for presents. However now I've got grandchildren and a good job, I am trying hard to make it special again. I used to love Christmas when I was young with the presents round the tree and the excitement of what was in them. I was always the 'postman' and my children and grandchildren have carried on the tradition. I think tradition is the best thing about Christmas - that and giving. x

Hope our little prize makes the run up to Christmas a bit more fun too Liz.  Please can you get in touch with your details and we'll get your prize out to you.


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